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In the memory recently departed souls from Passu Gojal Hunza.

In the honor of Late Sarfaraz Nawz, Late Manzoor Hussain, Late Mohammad Rajab,Late Madad Shah and Late Sahir Murad.


I could hear birds singing in mellow sound, miles away flow of river also adds its nonstop tone to the melody of down.Together the birds, flow of river, and everything around which produce sound come together and add a beautiful music to a beautiful morning making it more comfortable to sleep.Usually environment of a village provides one more comfortable surrounding to those who want to relax or sleep whole day like me. That day, i wasn't able to afford
more time to sleep. I woke up in hurry, garbed the towel, brightened myself, suited up with school uniform and got ready too early unlike normal days and started staring at the clock after all it was the payoff day "the results".

1st raw-middle-Late; Mohammad Rajab 

We the students, holing nervousness and excitement in our hearts, reached the school along with our parents who have came with their children with hope that their child would have exceeded not with good grades only but would have topped in the term examinations,after all Passu is well known as the hometown of educated and successful professionals while at that time education was kind of competition and making your name in the top three was considered a great victory and those who succeeded use to celebrate and talk with splendid triumph.

Everyone is excited to hear who secured the top three, as one of my childhood friend who still is a sharp minded guy used to secure first position in the class and everyone was quite sure he will again make it to the top and indubitably he did it again.After the announcement of first position it was time to hear the name of the student who secured the position but guessing the student at the second place was quite debatable by virtue of five students in competition including me.

Either it's anyone from those of my five friends or it can be me ! i was thinking. It was quite unquestionable to me that anyone among these five students must had got the second position.Results were announced but it was against the odds! non of those five student make it to second position! rather it was him,the guy with beautiful grin,short in height,active and affable in nature, it was "Late Mohammad Rajab".

Late Mohammad Rajab during
school age
He surprised all of the teachers,the students and definitely was a matter of proud for his parents too as it had been couple of months to his joining of new school .He improved his basics too soon that he succeeded to convert the odds in his favor and literally succeeded over all expected students in examinations.It was for the first time we all admired his potentials and talent.He after that he continuously secured second position among all, this was just a notion of his skills as he consistently won many art and drawing competitions.
His handiness and talent wasn't limited to art and education only, he was one of the finest sportsman.Late Rajab was leading our cricket team as a honored captain.He was easy to talk to, a friendly,active and a joyous guy.He lived according to his philosophy of life. Rajab was a social guy and always wished for the betterment of homeland, he used to give his services wherever needed either funeral or celebration , joy or sadness, he was an active member of the society.

Late Rajab kissing the art made
in honor of Quaid-e-Azam

"you will come close to the reality of death but in such a way that you will not be able to tell anybody about it"
-Imam Ali(AS)

Just like Late Mohammad Rajab we lost other beautiful souls in a short period of time.Its heartrending to accept that they are not among us.They all were unique in their own way and had importance not only among their families but were equally precious for the whole community and society.Since death has no age and no time specified, consistent death of such beautiful souls in a small interval of time once again reminds and strengthens our faith in good deeds and that our existence must spread love and happiness around whom we live. Though they are not among us but we remember them by honoring their social services,good deeds and contributions to the society they had made and by remembering them in our prayers.

                      _They passed through glory's morning gate and walked to paradise_
                                                        May their souls rest in peace

                                                             .إِنَّا للهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎‎.
                                                        We suerly belong to Allah
                                                        and to him we shall return


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